Sunday, July 12, 2009

personal statement of Zhoucheng(Leo)

With honor, I'm selected to join the Students Overseas Summer Study Program at Ohio State University. My Chinese name is Zhou Cheng, and my English name is Leo, I'm from city of Wuhan, China. As a junior student in Wuhan University, my major is statistics. I'm a kindhearted and easy-going person, always be ready to handle the chanllenges encountered and try and taste everything new and meaningful. I was positively participate in various activities, such as academic research, social practice, student union, sports teams, and so forth. I was served as a teaching volunteer in a rural primary school in Guizhou Province in the summer vocation of the year of 2007. I participated in writing the book of <> in 2007. I was the leader of a team to do the social practice in Menggu province in the summer of 2008, and received the third reward in Wuhan university. Moreover, as president of the student union in our school, I lead my team won the first top of student union in WHU. All in all, these experience contribute to my independence and critical thinking, as well as leadership and team spirit.

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