Monday, July 19, 2010

Greetings from Carol

It was great to join your class this morning and to hear your thoughts on the topic of The Environment. It's always rewarding to listen to good minds at work - cording first impressions, reflecting on situations, listening to others' thoughts, rethinking one's own ideas...It's a very exciting process. Hope the field trip to the wetlands was valuable.

I am certainly looking forward to our time together on Thursday, July 22 from 9:00 to noon. Our discussion is about Immigration and Diversity. I know you are very busy, but here is what I would like you to do before our class:
1. Before coming to the U.S., what was your mental picture of the typical American? What is the source of that image? movies, news, Internet, blogs, meeting Americans in China...??

2. Now that you've been in the U.S. for a week, has that mental picture of the typical American changed? In what way?

3. Think about all the Americans you've met so far during the WUSIEP, 2010. In what ways are they alike? In what ways are they different?

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