Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Road Scholar Pete Dully introduction

Hi. I'm Pete. I've heard from some of you already via e-mail, as we've met during one of my past four summers spent on the beautiful campus of Wuhan University, teaching in the Wuhan Summer Intensive English Program. For those of you I haven't yet met, I'm very much looking forward to making your acquaintance. For everyone, I am sincerely excited about extending my hospitality to repay some of the great debt and gratitude I feel to all my Chinese friends who've shown me such a great time in Wuhan. Mike and his assistants have been hard at work planning a terrific summer program for you all, and I'll be around to help and add to your experience in my country.

I've been teaching at Ohio State since 1992, when I moved to Columbus. I usually teach literature and writing, but my interests outside the classroom include baseball, travel, cooking, history and crossword puzzles. My main hope for all of you during the summer program is that you get to see some things about my country that most Chinese people don't know about, so you can act as a bridge between our two cultures after you return to China. Further, I hope you are lucky enough to form the same sorts of friendships I've found in my travels to China. I'll see you all soon.

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